
What is the purpose of activities?

Recently, I started this Blog. And before that, I was writing my ideas on another page, which is kinda closed now.

For almost three years, I've had the habit of night walking. It brings brilliant thoughts to me.

Well, what do I want to say? You'll see in a minute so please keep reading just a bit more.

Yesterday, I was walking at night as usual, and I came up something really important there.
Then I thought like, "Oh OK, I gotta write about this on the blog".
And I just forgot what I wanted to write haha.

To tell you the truth, I used to be able to remember what I thought during night walk three years ago.
However, recently I can not do that.
And I noticed why I can't do that now. Oh, well, it's not aging you know.

I think it's about the motivation. It's the matter of what I aim by thinking.
I started writing and sharing my ideas on some media like blog, papers, and...I don't know.
But anyway, recently I found myself always thinking like, "OK, so the next article is about this".
And seriously, it's not working for me.
Writing and sharing help me to brush up my thoughts, re-think, and find out where I am.
However, it's not my original purpose.
I shouldn't have shifted my original purpose to writing and sharing.
Although I don't stop sharing my thoughts here, because I can manage to bring my aim back to just sharing, brushing up, and making the words not stopping doing this, I definitely have to change something.

And this time, really rare to me, I linked this thought to the class-construction in English Education.


I think I ended up writing really messy ideas here, but I think it is really important to keep thinking about it. I really feel so.

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