
If you get stuck: have your own strategy

When you feel you get stuck somewhere, that you cannot think of any good way of getting through a problem or that you cannot decide which way to go, what is your strategy?
It surely happens to anyone, how tough and strong your will is.
So it definitely is a good preparation if you have a certain strategy for that kind of situations beforehand.

My strategy here are as follows:

  1. Observe the problem carefully again, especially trying to find where the cause comes from, and what the bad result it leads to precisely.
  2. Imagine the best situation that you want to get into. Imagine concrete conditions that you want, like how you feel, what you have when you achieve that situation.
  3. Brainstorm the possible solutions. Apparently unrealistic solutions sometimes can be the best solutions so first don't be realistic but just give as many ideas as possible.
And important rules are these below:
  1. Don't try so hard. If it gets tough continuing that tactics, just stop and try another.
  2. Think about my happiness: just keep asking myself, "OK, so now am I happy? Will I be happy if I keep this?" or this question, "Is this making a good effect as I expected it to have?"
  3. Don't be tough. Don't try to do more than what I can do, and if I have done all the things I can do, just let everything as it goes after that. There are many things that I cannot do as much as I can.

What do you do when you feel stuck and want to change something? Well, it might depend on a situation, but I'd be grateful if this article supplied you with an opportunity to think about it and you were happy to take that opportunity.

This thought was inspired by: http://www.earthinus.com/2011/07/tao.html


What is the purpose of activities?

Recently, I started this Blog. And before that, I was writing my ideas on another page, which is kinda closed now.

For almost three years, I've had the habit of night walking. It brings brilliant thoughts to me.

Well, what do I want to say? You'll see in a minute so please keep reading just a bit more.

Yesterday, I was walking at night as usual, and I came up something really important there.
Then I thought like, "Oh OK, I gotta write about this on the blog".
And I just forgot what I wanted to write haha.

To tell you the truth, I used to be able to remember what I thought during night walk three years ago.
However, recently I can not do that.
And I noticed why I can't do that now. Oh, well, it's not aging you know.

I think it's about the motivation. It's the matter of what I aim by thinking.
I started writing and sharing my ideas on some media like blog, papers, and...I don't know.
But anyway, recently I found myself always thinking like, "OK, so the next article is about this".
And seriously, it's not working for me.
Writing and sharing help me to brush up my thoughts, re-think, and find out where I am.
However, it's not my original purpose.
I shouldn't have shifted my original purpose to writing and sharing.
Although I don't stop sharing my thoughts here, because I can manage to bring my aim back to just sharing, brushing up, and making the words not stopping doing this, I definitely have to change something.

And this time, really rare to me, I linked this thought to the class-construction in English Education.


I think I ended up writing really messy ideas here, but I think it is really important to keep thinking about it. I really feel so.


You are not the others

Recently, I've found myself trying to be what I really was not.
That is to say, I was trying to imitate what my friends were like, excessively.

When I was small, I was often told that I couldn't be what I wasn't.
I am what I am. My friends are my friends.
I didn't particularly think that I wanted to be like my friends.
So, at that time I didn't know why adults around me told me that so frequently.

When I came up to the uni., I read in some books that it was actually possible for me to take some resources that I want myself too from my friends.
It sounded opposite to me from what I have heard for years, but I tried and it did work with me.
I worked that borrowing-resources technique for a year.

But recently, I found myself overdoing it.
Or rather, I was not perfect in it.
I've realized that it was not enough just borrowing the resources.
I need to make them my way, or I should keep myself.
I've realized I cannot be happy making myself like others.
I can learn from the others and should try to follow my friends' good points, of course.
However, still, I should try to make those good resources that I've got from the others mine.
In other words, if I just stop there, just imitating the others, it will sooner or later come into disorder.
I should adopt them deep within me, combine with my network, and make them what I can use in my way.

That's what I've been thinking recently.
Try to make my better self.
Rather that putting the others on my surface.
It just end up being ornaments.on my character.
I'd rather to polish the inside of myself.





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European Union leaders have agreed to amend the EU's passport-free zone to allow countries to impose inspections at borders in emergency cases.
The move comes in response to the influx of migrants from politically unstable North Africa to Europe.
Since January, about 40,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean into Italy to flee the unrest in Libya and Tunisia. Many of them entered France, causing disputes over border controls among EU member nations.
At the EU summit in Brussels on Friday, the leaders agreed to partially amend the Schengen border treaty governing free travel within Europe.
The measure will allow countries to resume border controls temporarily when they face a greater number of migrants.
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said the resumption of border controls is only a last resort and will not undermine the core Schengen principle of free movement, which he called a fundamental right of citizens.
(ニュースで英会話 07月07の放送より抜粋 )

A. Unrest noun /ʌnˈrest/
> un-(prefix)+rest(suffix)
e.g. 1. It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.
      2. This condition, known as social unrest, can lead to outbursts of violence.
      3. ...anti-government unrest that ended with the violent army crackdown. (*crackdown=strong punishment on those who have broken the law)

Please guess which is the meaning for this word!!
  1. 平穏、平和
  2. 心配、騒乱、社会的騒乱

disagreements or fighting between different groups of people
(Cambridge Dictionaries Online)

B. Undermine verb /ˌʌn.dəˈmaɪn/
> under-(prefix)+mine(suffix)
e.g. 1. The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his position/him. (*cabinet= a group of the most senior ministers in a government, who meet regularly to discuss policies)
     2. Criticism just undermines their confidence.
     3. She felt undermined by the implied criticism.

Can you guess which is the meaning for this word?
  1. ~を過小評価する、~をみくびる
  2. ~を卑劣に攻撃する、(名声などを)傷つける

to make someone less confident, less powerful or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually
(Cambridge Dictionaries Online)

Answers for questions: A. 2, B. 2

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★このVocabulary Sheetの効用というか理論的背景☆

このVocabulary Sheetは、最近私が読んだ語彙習得の本の中で、クラスじゃなくって自習するようなかたちで使えるな、っていうアイディアをちょっくら拝借(w)してつくりました♪自分でも少しアレンジも加えています!!ので、どのくらい成功するかは果てしなく謎ですww

ここではそのアイディアというか理論的背景を説明していきたいと思います!! :)

  1. 語彙の獲得は、同じ語を最低6回は異なる文脈で観ることが必要!!

本Vocabulary Sheetでも、なるべく多くの違う例文に触れてもらうことによって、この「回数の壁」を越えようとしています。また、抜粋元の長文をのせ、そのあとで単語を切り取って説明するという工夫も、異なるかたちで提示することを意識しました!!b

2. 処理の深さがキーポイント!!

処理水準モデル(level of processing)は認知過程がいくつかの水準の処理からなり、ある項目に対する処理の水準が深いほどその項目の記憶が強固になることを仮定する。

本Vocabulary Sheetでは、初めから意味を出さずに、まずはなん文かの例文をみて、意味を推察してもらいます。そうすることで、意味のレベルでの深い処理をしてもらおうというのが狙いです。

3. スキーマの活性化!!
「スキーマ」の言葉にもううんざり、という方々、ごめんなさい笑。語彙の分野でも、スキーマの活性化だいじっしょ!!って声があります。というか、語をネットワークの中に組み込んで、すでにしっていることや、thematic clusterによってまとめることの重要性が言われています。ということで、単語に行く前に長文の中で読んでみると、おぼえたい単語が自分が知っていることとか、長文のテーマに関連付けされて覚えられます。ということは、長文は自分がある程度知っていることとか興味があることについてだといいかもしれませんね!!また、長文以外にも、自分の昔の経験とかそういうことを思い出してみることもいいようです♪(あのときこうだったなあ、これがおこったからおれはunderminedになっちゃったんだなぁ、とかw)

4. 語が持っている情報は、意味、音、文法!!
ちなみに、派生語や語の成り立ち(語根、接頭辞【un-,in-,under-等】、接尾辞【-sion. -ate, tion,等】)のチェックは意味・統語的な観点から必要だと思われます。


本Vocabulary Sheetを使う・作るときには、ここで書いたことを意識してみてください。すると、力が付いていくことを実感できると思います♪



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